Thursday, October 24, 2019

Cassidy cardigan - new crochet pattern

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I have been away from my computer, or rather forced to be away, as my computer crashed again! I really can't understand why this keeps happening every few months. Thankfully, my son recovered all my data. Otherwise I would have ended up losing everything again as it happened almost a year ago. Now my son has let me share his computer with him, so I have only a limited computer time. Anyway this has left me with plenty of time to crochet and work on my dollhouse. If you remember I had mentioned earlier that I was working on a dollhouse. This was when I had taken a short break from crocheting but now that crocheting has taken the front seat the house became neglected and began to resemble an abandoned property with dust covering all surfaces and construction materials strewn around everywhere. I cleaned everything and I'm working on the 2nd floor now.  I'm also working on two baby blankets and a pullover. 

This cardigan is my recent finish. It's an easy pattern and the cardigan looks wonderful but the color doesn't photograph well. I tried many times and still I'm not satisfied with the outcome. A friend has borrowed my camera for a few days and I am using my mobile phone to photograph and the quality sucks. Once I get my camera back I think I'll take new photos and upload them again, for now these would do.  

This cardigan is worked from top down. I have written this pattern for 4 adult sizes. Yarn used is light worsted weight or DK yarn and hook size is D/3.25 mm. Only basic stitches are used and so would be suitable for an advanced beginner. The pattern is available in my Etsy, Ravelry and web store. 

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Pumpkin house with witch hat roof - free crochet pattern

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Hi, how are you all? It's fall and I'm seeing pumpkins in various forms everywhere on the internet. For my share I  made a pumpkin house. Interestingly the house is not stuffed. It's hollow inside so that you can use it to store candies or other knick-knacks. The roof is removable and it also has a door that can be opened!


The pumpkin house measures approximately 7 inches wide and 9.5 inches high.


  • One skein of worsted weight yarn in orange, green and black
  • Little amount of brown and white worsted weight yarns for the door and window
  • Crochet hook size G/4 mm
  • Yarn needle
  • stitch markers
  • dollhouse door hinges (optional)

Abbreviations/Crochet terms used:

[ ] - repeat instructions within parenthesis as a set as many times as instructed
ch - chain
st/sts - stitch/stitches
sl st - slip stitch
sc - single crochet (UK - double crochet)
hdc - half double crochet (UK - half treble)
sc2tog/sc3tog - single crochet worked together in 2/3 consecutive stitches (sc decrease)


  • The pattern is written in standard US terms
  • You can use any yarn but the size of the hook should be one or two sizes smaller than the suggested size for that particular yarn so that your house stays firm

If you wish to purchase a PDF version of this pattern you can buy it from here

Pumpkin base

Note: Work in continuous rounds without joining at the end of each round. Use a stitch marker to identify the 1st st of every round. 

Using green ch 4, join the last ch with a sl st to the 1st ch to form a ring.
Round 1: Ch 1, 8 sc into ring
Round 2: 2 sc in each st (16 sc)
Round 3: Repeat [sc in next st, 2 sc in next st] around (24 sc)
Round 4: Repeat [sc in next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st] around (32 sc)
Round 5: Repeat [sc in next 3 sts, 2 sc in next st] around (40 sc)
Round 6: Repeat [sc in next 4 sts, 2 sc in next st] around (48 sc)
Round 7: Repeat [sc in next 5 sts, 2 sc in next st] around (56 sc)
Round 8: Repeat [sc in next 6 sts, 2 sc in next st] around (64 sc)
Round 9: Repeat [sc in next 7 sts, 2 sc in next st] around (72 sc)
Round 10: Repeat sc in each st around (72 sc)
Join orange. Do not fasten off green, we’ll continue with it later.

Pumpkin house
Round 11 (work into back loops only): Using orange sc in the back loops of 62 sts, leave rest of the sts unworked for the door. Turn.
Round 12: Ch 1, sc in 2 sts, repeat [2 sc in next st, sc in next st] across. Turn (92 sts)
Round 13: Ch 1, sc in 2 sts, repeat [2 sc in 4 sts, sc in 8 sts, 2 sc in 4 sts, sc in 2 sts] 5 times. Turn (132 sts)
Round 14: Ch 1, sc2tog, repeat [sc in next 24 sts, sc2tog] 5 times. Turn (126 sts)
 (I have placed markers to identify the ridges)
Round 15 to 21: Ch 1, sc in each st across. Turn (126 sts) 
Round 22: Ch 1, sc in each st across, ch 6.
From here onwards start working in continuous rounds without turning at the end. Place a marker at the 1st st of a round to easily identify the beginning of the round.
Round 23: sc in the 1st sc after the space left for the door, sc in rest of the sts and each of the 6 chs. (132 sts)
Rounds 24 and 25: sc in each st around.
Round 26: sc2tog 2 times, sc in 16 sts, repeat [sc2tog 5 times, sc in next 16 sts] 4 times, sc2tog 3 times, sc in next 2 sts. (107 sts)
Round 27: sc in 6 sts, sc2tog 4 times, repeat [sc in 5 sts, sc3tog, sc in 5 sts, sc2tog 4 times] four times, sc in rest of the 9 sts (79 sts)
Round 28: sc in 5 sts, sc2tog 3 times, repeat [sc in next 2 sts, sc2tog, sc in sc3tog, sc2tog, sc in next 2 sts, sc2tog 3 times] 4 times, sc in rest of the 8 sts (56 sts) 
Round 29 and 30: Sc in each st around. Cut off yarn.

Witch hat roof

Using black ch 60, join the last ch with a sl st to the first ch to form a ring, being careful not to twist the chains.

Round 1: Ch 1, sc in each ch around. Join with a sl st to the 1st sc (60 sc)
Round 2: Ch 1, repeat [sc2tog, sc in next 28 sts] twice. Join with a sl st to the 1st st (58 sts)
Round 3: Ch 1, repeat [sc2tog, sc in next 27 sts] twice. Join with a sl st to the 1st st (56 sts)
Round 4 to 11: Repeat the rows decreasing 2 sts in every round so that you have 40 sts in the 11th row.
Round 12: Ch 1, repeat [sc2tog, sc in next 8 sts] 4 times. Join with a sl st to the 1st st (36 sts)
Round 13: Ch 1, repeat [sc2tog, sc in next 7 sts] 4 times. Join with a sl st to the 1st st (32 sts)
Round 14: Ch 1, sc in each st around. Join (32 sts)
Round 15: Ch 1, sc in 28 sts, sc2tog 2 times. Join (30 sts)
Round 16: Ch 1, sc in 26 sts, sc2tog 2 times. Join (28 sts)
Round 17: Ch 1, sc in 24 sts, sc2tog 2 times. Join (26 sts)
Round 18: Ch 1, sc in 22 sts, sc2tog 2 times. Join (24 sts)
Round 19: Ch 1, sc in 12 sts, sc2tog 2 times, sc in 6 sts, 2 sc in next 2 sts. Join (24 sts)
Round 20: Ch 1, 2 sc in 1st and 2nd sc, sc in next 7 sts, sc2tog 4 times, sc in 5 sts, 2 sc in next 2 sts. Join (24 sts)
Round 21: Ch 1, 2 sc in 1st and 2nd sc, sc in next 8 sts, sc2tog 3 times, sc in rest of the 8 sts. Join (23 sts)
Round 22: Ch 1, 2 sc in 1st and 2nd sc, sc in next 8 sts, sc2tog 4 times, sc in 5 sts. Join (21 sts)
Round 23: Ch 1, sc in 2 sts, 2 sc in next 2 sts, sc in next 6 sts, sc2tog 4 times, sc in 3 sts. Join (19 sts)
Round 24: Ch 1, sc in 4 sts, 2 sc in next 2 sts, sc in 6 sts, sc2tog 2 times, sc in 3 sts. Join (19 sts). Cut off yarn and close the opening by sewing the edges together.


Round 1: Join yarn in any st at the bottom and repeat [sc in next st, 2 sc in next st] around. Join (90 sts)
Round 2: sl st in each st around. Cut off yarn.

Grass around the house

Round 1: Pick up green and sc in each of the 10 sts in the doorway, then sc in the free loop of each st around. Join with a sl st to the 1st st (72 sts)
Round 2: Ch 1, repeat [sc in 11 sts, 2 sc in next st] 6 times. Join (78 sts)
Round 3: Ch 1, repeat [sc in 12 sts, 2 sc in next st] 6 times. Join (84 sts)
Round 4: Ch 1, repeat [sc in 13 sts, 2 sc in next st] 6 times. Join (90 sts)
Round 5: Ch 1, sc in each st around. Join. Cut off yarn.

Make one circle and join both the pieces together working sc around the edges to have a firm base.


Row 1: Using brown ch 9, sc in the 2nd ch from hook and in rest of the chs across. Turn (8 sc)
Row 2 to 11: Ch 1, sc in each st across (8 sc)
Row 12: sc2tog, hdc in 4 sts, sc2tog. Fasten off
Join yarn at the right lower end and sl st along the edges.


Row 1: Using white ch 7, sc in the 2nd ch from hook and in rest of the chs across. Turn (6 sc)
Row 2 to 5: Ch 1, sc in each st across (6 sc). Cut off yarn.
Using black sc around the edges. Cut off yarn and weave in all the loose ends.

Attaching the door and window

I have used dollhouse door hinges to attach the door but you can also use a small piece of wire to secure the door to the wall. Sew a button to act as a door knob. Make a loop of 3 or 4 chains on the wall to close the door. Sew the window and decorate the house as desired.

Hope you enjoy the pattern!

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